1.Documents Required For NGO Funding 2.फण्ड लेने के लिए जरुरी कागजात 3.Papers needed for ngo funding 4.How can a ngo get funds 5. NGO फण्ड कैसे ले सकती है In this video we shall tell you about ngo documentation.what are the papers and registration required for ngo funding. How can a ngo take grants(Govt. or Csr). So first we would like to discuss what are the documents required for Ngo Funding.
- Ngo Certificate
- Ngo Bye laws
- Pan Card of Ngo
- Bank account of Ngo
- Niti aayog registration
- Ngo Audit Report
- Ngo Annual Report
- Ngo Profile
- 12a and 80g registration
- CSR 1 registration
we at Ngo aap tak a leading Ngo Consultancy in India help Ngo in preparing all the above said documents. You can call us or mail us any time . Our executives are ready to help you all the time.
#ngo #ngofunding #ngogrants #ngoschemes #ngoregistration #ngodocumentation #12aregistration #80gregistration #ngonitiayogregistration.